Anthocyanin Extraction
Ketaren (1986) explains that the extraction is a way to get the substance
of the material suspected to contain the substance. Extraction can be done in
various ways. Using solvent extraction based on the solubility of the component
to other components in the mixture (Suyitno, 1989). Shriner et al. (1980)
stated that polar solvents will dissolve polar solutes and non-polar solvents
will dissolve the non-polar solute or so-called "like dissolve like".
In the fruit or vegetable, anthocyanin pigments are generally located in
the cells near the surface (Markakis, 1982). Extraction of anthocyanin pigments
from plant materials commonly used solvent extractors HCl in ethanol (Gao and
Mazza, 1996). HCl in ethanol plants will denaturation of the cell membrane and
then dissolving the pigment anthocyanin out of the cell. Anthocyanin pigments
soluble in ethanol because both polar (Broillard, 1982).
In the study Saati (2002) for the extraction of anthocyanins from flowers girlfriend water, the best solvent used is ethanol 95%. So also with the research Wijaya (2001) on the extraction of the pigment from the skin of the fruit rambutan. This is due to the level of anthocyanin polarity similar to the 95% ethanol that can dissolve well in ethanol 95%. In addition to the solvent, according Pifferi and Vaccari (1998), factors that can affect the outcome of anthocyanin extraction is the extraction time, pH and temperature extraction.
In the study Saati (2002) for the extraction of anthocyanins from flowers girlfriend water, the best solvent used is ethanol 95%. So also with the research Wijaya (2001) on the extraction of the pigment from the skin of the fruit rambutan. This is due to the level of anthocyanin polarity similar to the 95% ethanol that can dissolve well in ethanol 95%. In addition to the solvent, according Pifferi and Vaccari (1998), factors that can affect the outcome of anthocyanin extraction is the extraction time, pH and temperature extraction.
The basic structure
of anthocyanin is anthocyanidins. Anthocyanidins or aglycone consists of
aromatic rings (A) that binds to the heterocyclic ring (C) that contains oxygen
and bound by carbon-carbon bonds in the third aromatic ring (B). When
anthocyanidins found in the form of glycosides, it is called anthocyanin.
Anthocyanin is very unstable and susceptible to damage. Stability is affected
by several factors such as pH, temperature, chemical structure, light,
solvents, enzymes, flavonoids, protein and metal ions (CastaƱeda-Ovando et al.
Anthocyanins are
synthesized in the shikimic biosynthetic pathway and use phenylalanine as a
precursor. Enzymes that work is PAL
(phenylalanineammonialyase), CHS (Chalcone synthase), CHI (Chalcone isomerase), F3H
(flavonone 3-hydroxylase), F3'H (flavonoid 30-hydroxylase), DFR (dihydroflavonol
reductase), LDOX (anthocyanidin synthase), GST (glutathione-S-transferase) (Guo
et al.2001).
Anthocyanins in
plants serves as a veil to ultraviolet B light and protect chloroplasts against
high light intensity. Anthocyanins may also act as a means of transport for the
monosaccharides and as an osmotic regulator during periods of drought and low
temperature. In general, anthocyanin antioxidants are believed to increase the
response of plants to survival in biotic
or abiotic stress. In addition, anthocyanins also plays an important role in
the reproduction of plants that attract pollinators that can help in the
pollination of flowers (Mori et al. 2007).
Anthocyanins are
considered as an important component in human nutrition as a higher antioxidant
than vitamins C and E. These compounds can capture free radicals by donating a
hydrogen atom phenolic. Anthocyanins can be transported in the human body and
show the antitumor activity, anticancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory,
inhibiting platelet aggregation, lowering blood capillary wall permeability and
boost immunity (Stintzing and Carle 2004).
Materials for Extraction Process
Ethanol is a clear solution, colorless, volatile, and with a distinctive
odor. In high concentrations, will cause a burning sensation when in contact with
skin. Ethanol is an alcohol group, where the molecule contains a hydroxyl group
(-OH) bonded to carbon atoms. Ethanol made since ancient times by the
fermentation of sugar. This process is widely used in the industry with raw
materials such as sugar. Ethanol is soluble in water and many organic solvents
(Anonymous, 2004b)).
Ethanol is toxic, but the body will set immediately. More than 90% ethanol
will be processed by the liver. In the liver, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase
converts ethanol into acetaldehyde which is still toxic.
Ethanol Acetaldehyde
But acetaldehyde will be destroyed by the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase
that megkonversinya into acetate ions.
Ethanol acetate ions
Meanwhile, according to the FDA, the residue levels of ethanol as a solvent
in the extraction
is 50 ppm.
Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen chloride (HCl) in water. The
color varies from colorless to light yellow. The difference in color depending
on its purity. At concentrations above 10%, hydrochloric acid produces a very
pungent odor. Hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive and can damage metals such
as iron and steel (Wikipedia, 2002).
Steam highly concentrated acid solutions can cause irritation to the eyes,
while the direct contact can cause injury to the eyes and can cause blindness.
If contact with the skin will cause burns. HCl is hygroscopic, these substances
are generally present in the form of aerosols in the atmosphere (NRC, 2000).
According to Revilla (1998), HCl can cause partial hydrolysis of the
anthocyanins of red wine.
According to Maga and Tu (1994) allowed a marinade HCl food by FAO in 1974.
HCl is also used to process that requires hydrolysis on materials such as
proteins and starch. HCl can also be used for the production of "corn
syrup" (Maga and Tu, 1994).
Citric Acid
Citric acid is an organic acid found in many fruits and vegetables. The
highest concentration found in lemon and lime which is about 8% of the dry
weight of the fruit. The acidity of citric acid by its three carboxyl groups
COOH which can release protons into the solution. If this happens, the
resulting ion called citrate ion (Wikipedia, 2004).
At room temperature, citric acid is a white crystalline powder form. Citric acid can be found in the form of "substance" (water-free) or monohydrate that contains one molecule of water per molecule of citric acid. Citric acid is used in food safe even in large amounts. It is based on national and international food regulations. Citric acid can be metabolized and excreted from the body (Wikipedia, 2004).
At room temperature, citric acid is a white crystalline powder form. Citric acid can be found in the form of "substance" (water-free) or monohydrate that contains one molecule of water per molecule of citric acid. Citric acid is used in food safe even in large amounts. It is based on national and international food regulations. Citric acid can be metabolized and excreted from the body (Wikipedia, 2004).
Food and beverage industry are using citric acid. Selection of type of acid
is due to provide the typical incorporation of desirable properties and the
market are available in large quantities. Citric acid is a food additive that
has varied functions. Industrial food and beverage consumed mostly to reinforce
the flavor and color. Another function is to control acidity. Control of the
proper pH will prevent the growth of microorganisms and act as a preservative
and helps prevent browning reaction (Hui, 1992).